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How To Know If Your Lawyer's Rates Are Fair

One of the biggest concerns of many people in the legal world is the billable rate. People who use lawyers have a legitimate interest in knowing whether or not they have been treated fairly or not. When you work with an attorney, there needs to be a trust factor and you need to know whether the attorney is charging you too much? So how do you know if your lawyer's rates are fair or not? There are a number of different ways to figure this out and there are a number of different questions that you need to ask yourself before this answer become crystal clear.

Comparing the market

One of the best things that you can do is something that you should do right away. You should compare the market to determine what other attorneys are charging. Though the market will not have the exact same pricing across the board, each law firm should have similar pricing for various services. Whether it is a billable hour rate or a flat rate for a service, get an idea of what firms in your area are charging for the same thing.

You should know that law firm rates can vary wildly depending upon the area of the country where you live. A person in New York City, for instance, should expect to pay more for a service than a person living in South Carolina. This is why it is important to compare your lawyer's rates to the rates of other lawyers in your community. This way, there won't be any differences that need to be explained or worked out.

Questioning efficiency

In order to determine whether your lawyer's rates are fair or not, you need to look further than just at his billable hour rates. That only tells a small part of the story and the rest of the story is told by how the attorney uses his hours. The key is to figure out whether the attorney is being efficient with his hours. Is the attorney billing you fairly for the work that he has done or is he stretching things out in an effort to get more money into his pocket? This is the big question and it is one that you will have to carefully ask.

There is no easy way to figure out whether or not your attorney is being honest about the hours that he has worked. The key is to do a common sense test. If you feel as if the hours you are being charged for are too numerous, then mention something to the attorney. You should know, however, that this might offend the attorney and it could damage your working relationship. One thing to always do is keep records of your phone calls with the attorney and your meetings with the attorney. These are hours that you can keep up with and you must if you want a fair shake at the end of the day.

"Fair" is a subjective idea

Lurking in the background of this discussion is the fact that "fair" means different things to different people. Even if your attorney is charging more than people around him and even if it seems as if he is working too many hours on your case, the rate might be fair if he is providing you with a valuable service. Keep this in mind as you assess the job that your attorney has done. At the end of the day, the attorney has done a fair job if he has satisfied your legal needs and if his work was worth the price you paid for it. Only you can answer the question of whether his work was worth the total dollar amount at the end of the day.


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